+860755-89505513 Ms Leung 梁(りょう)
- 413958458
- 13926598885
Payment Mode
Our payment modes are Telegraphic Transfer and Western Union:
1) Telegraphic Transfer (Wire Transfer): safe and efficient. Payment collection time depends on the country and the remittance bank. We have HSBC account and Bank of China account, please feel free to inquiry for more information.
2) Western Union: Payment arriving to the account within 10 minutes.
In order to avoid the balance between the remitted amount and the collection amount, we advise you to transfer by Western Union if the amount is less than US$200.00, while Wire Transfer if more than US$200.00.
The banking charges is subject to local bank’s regulation.
Friendly tip: Sellers don’t bare any banking charges of buyers, sellers only accept the exact payment amount arriving at the account. If the collection amount is less than the invoice amount, please make up the payment balance promptly, so that sellers could make delivery in time. We appreciate your kind understanding and support.