+860755-89505513 Ms Leung 梁(りょう)
- 413958458
- 13926598885
Birthday Party and Anniversary Day on April, 2010
時間:2010-04-30 13:41:00
Birthday Party and Anniversary Day on April, 2010
On April 24, 2010, our company hold another special birthday party. It is not only for birthday of our family member Sili Liang, but also it is 1 year Anniversary Day for our company’s moving.
The guests are: the whole family members of our company, sales directors from Alibaba, some of our best relatives and friends. (Look at picture 01)
After we sang birthday song, Sili Liang blew out the candle, and cutting the cake. We wish her all wishes come true, happy every day! (Look at picture 02)
In the whole party, our family member showed us many excellent performances.
Singing the song---< Start it up today> (Look at picture 03)
The bagatelle--< see a doctor> (Look at picture 04)
After then we had interesting game.( Look at picture 05)
The recitation----<The youth> (Look at picture 06)
The Funny Love pantomime (Look at picture07)
The Funny Love pantomime (Look at picture08)
It was the day of our company and our family member SIli Liang, we hope her everything goes well. And hope our company a much better future with our efforts together.